Members of Conwy Camera Club were saddened to learn of the death of Elizabeth Cook, one of the club’s honorary life members. She passed away on 3 June.
Elizabeth first joined the club as a schoolgirl in the early 1950s. Her father, Edwin Taylor, was a member of the club.
After moving back to the Conwy area from England, Elizabeth rejoined the camera club in 1999. Her husband Brian also joined.
At that time, the club was at a low ebb. Elizabeth and Brian’s enthusiasm and energy helped to transform the club into the biggest in Wales, with over 100 members just eight years after they joined. This increase in numbers owed much to Elizabeth’s tireless work as membership secretary. She always ensured that new members were made to feel welcome. If any member had been absent from club activities for a prolonged period, she contacted them to check that they were well.
Brian and Elizabeth also represented the club on the North Wales Photographic Association for many years. Both received life membership of Conwy Camera Club in 2010.
Brian and Elizabeth also represented the club on the North Wales Photographic Association for many years. Both received life membership of Conwy Camera Club in 2010. They attended their last club meeting in November 2017 prior to moving to Cumbria. Brian died last year. Elizabeth and Brian will be fondly remembered by club members.