
Llanrwst Workshop

In late June 2023, Llanrwst riverside was the meeting point for 20 club members. Workshop organiser Martin Neale began by handing out slips with suggestions, including that members might try creating collages with their images from the evening. Suggested shooting ideas included getting down low for a “worm’s eye” viewpoint (do worms have eyes?), finding… Read More »


Monthly theme – Pairs

The first of this summer’s monthly themes was ‘A Pair / Pairs’. Members could submit up to four images, all taken during June. There were 64 entries, by 25 photographers. Club chair Henrique Fino chose Martin Neale’s ‘A Pair of Juvenile Kingfishers’ as his favourite, so Martin got to choose the theme for July. Duncan… Read More »


Salford Quays evening trip

The club’s latest summer Workshop was a trip to Manchester. Ten club members spent the evening in and around Salford Quays, photographing the architecture in low light and darkness. Splitting into two groups, we headed off to seek out the best locations to photograph, The coloured lighting and reflections in the water make Salford Quays… Read More »


Elizabeth Cook

Members of Conwy Camera Club were saddened to learn of the death of Elizabeth Cook, one of the club’s honorary life members. She passed away on 3 June. Elizabeth first joined the club as a schoolgirl in the early 1950s. Her father, Edwin Taylor, was a member of the club. After moving back to the… Read More »


Conwy Coronation Contrasts

A fascinating photographic display at Conwy Culture Centre shows how communities in Conwy county celebrated the coronations of this year and of the last century. In a joint project with Conwy Archive Service, on coronation weekend 2023 Conwy Camera Club members returned to places which are depicted in archive photos from coronation celebrations in 1902,… Read More »


Lionel Bloodworth Creative Challenge

Each year the club holds a Creative photography competition in memory of Lionel Bloodworth, who founded the club’s Creative Special Interest Group. This year’s winning image was ‘If Turner had found a camera maybe’ by Ian Wright. Ian’s thought processes shown below: The image is a composite of a multiple exposure shot of Menai Bridge,… Read More »


Knights Shop Conwy

To help raise funds for Knights Templar Charity, Comwy Camera Club arranged an evening for members to explore their photographic skills whilst photographing items in the shop as well as some portrait photography. £195.00 was collected and donated towards their Reindeer Fund for Local Disabled Children and Families who are struggling, letting them meet both… Read More »


Brian Cook

Members of Conwy Camera Club were saddened to learn of the death of Brian Cook, one of the club’s honorary life members. Brian passed away on 27 July. He had been unwell since an accident in February. Brian and his wife Elizabeth joined the camera club in 1999, when it was at a low ebb.… Read More »


Tony Davies gains AWPF disinction

Tony Davies recently gained a distinction from the AWPF. See below for his story. To see the 12-image panel he put forward, go to this gallery page. Associateship of the Welsh Photographic Federation (AWPF) Once a year the WPF organises an assessment for photographers to apply to become an associate. A photographer has to submit… Read More »


Conwy Takes The Cup

On the 26th May Conwy Camera Club won first place in the yearly 3 way battle between Conwy, Penwith and Farnborough camera clubs.It was a closely fought event with Conwy taking the prize by just 10 points.A gallery of the winning images can be seen below including three images gaining maximum points. These were:‘Eye to… Read More »